Adenauerplatz 4/1 - 69115 Heidelberg - Phone: 06221-3929301

Finally recovered Sleep

No more CPAP mask
Sleep apnea is curable

Finally enjoy a natural sleep again, without a breathing mask. Our causal therapy has been proven to cure sleep apnea forever. Do you also come in questions for the causal therapy?

No more CPAP mask
Sleep apnea is curable

Finally enjoy a natural sleep again, without a breathing mask.
Our causal therapy has been proven to cure sleep apnea forever. Do you also come in questions for the causal therapy?

How does causal therapy work?

Your obstructive sleep apnea can only be cured by permanently eliminating the causes. This is a special surgical procedure that is the only way to cure sleep apnea.

Airway narrowed before surgery
Sleep apnea surgery with rotation
Airway dilated with Rotation Advancement OP

Why the causal therapy?

  • Eliminates the causes - not the symptoms
  • No more aids like sleep mask or dental splint
  • No more snoring - finally peace for the partner
  • Patients report: Increased libido after sleep apnea recovery.
  • Normalization of blood pressure and blood sugar without medication

Unsere Exptertise – endlich auch für gesetzlich Versicherte!

Operation zur Heilung der Schlafapnoe - größtenteils von der Kasse getragen!

Unsere Chirurgen arbeiten nun auch in kassenzugelassenen Kliniken, um unsere spezialisierte medizinische Expertise auch kassenversicherten Patienten zugänglich zu machen. Sie profitieren von fortschrittlichen Operationsmethoden, die größtenteils von der Krankenkasse übernommen werden.

What our patients say

Is your form of sleep apnea also curable?

Test online now

Step 1 from 2
Apnea Hypopnea Index - This value is in the sleep lab report.
When people grind their teeth (bruxism), they repeatedly and involuntarily press their teeth together with great pressure (usually during sleep). In this way, the enamel is worn away over time.