cured from sleep apnea
I think it is great that Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Maurer is strengthening the team at Seegartenklink. This report by Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Maurer should be heard by all health insurance companies. He says many things that I can only emphasize. In the Seegartenklinik something is done for the patient that is sustainable and not a symptomatic treatment.
Ich hatte „obstruktive Schlafapnoe“. Ja, ich sagte ich hatte, denn seit der OP schlafe ich wie ein Baby, ohne Schnarchen und ich bin sicher , ohne Aussetzer . Morgens bin ich endlich ausgeruht.
My surgery is now 2 months ago. This, is no walk in the park...........but, the result counts. That's how I saw the operation from the beginning. I have never had as much air as I did after the surgery in my life. I've been allergic for 30 years, I'm with the early bloomers. The time begins in January and ends with me in the middle of May. Thus, I am now in the middle of March. After the surgery I had no signs of allergy for the first time. Dr. Frey said that my allergy could improve with the surgery, but since I have had it for 30 years, it may take longer to show improvement. I had tried several immunizations before, but none of them helped me. So I was unsure if it could really be like that.
However, due to the surgery, I have no signs of allergy until today. No cortisone tablet, etc. I am just amazed and note everything. And furthermore, I notice that I no longer have heartburn, although this was standard after every meal and especially after sweet meals. I now feel more and more improvements in my disease symptoms over time.
Ich habe einmal Herrn Dr. Sailer (Schweiz) als Koryphäe bezeichnet, mag sein, dass er das ist. Aber nach der OP sage ich, dass für mich Herr Dr. Robert Frey die Koryphäe ist. Er geht auf den Patienten ein, schaut nach ihm, ob es nun Wochenende ist oder nicht. Er hört sich die Geschichte des Patienten an und seine Beratung ist stichhaltig und seeehr gut. Ich hatte noch nie eine ausführliche Beratung von 2 Std erhalten, in der auch die „Fragen des Patienten“ beantwortet wurden.
Personally, I would have the surgery again because it's the result that counts. The CPAP mask helps a bit at night, but during the day you have nothing that helps you. You eat more so that you have strength for everyday life, you sleep in the breaks so that you have strength for work, so the question arises, is this the meaning of life? Where is the quality of life?
The surgery, after 1/1/2 years of research was the only alternative to the CPAP mask and in the future the oxygen mask. I have no regrets. The only thing I find fault with is the public health insurance. They pay for all the symptoms of this disease, but no sustainable cure.
Therefore I say, thank you Dr. Frey. I sincerely hope that you will receive the support you are fighting for from the health insurance companies, which you need for the patients. Mfg Heidi Bertsch