SeegartenKlinik Heidelberg

SeegartenKlinik - In the heart of Heidelberg

Your Breath - Our Mission

Wir sind eine von Deutschlands führenden Kliniken zur Ursachenbeseitigung der obstruktiven Schlafapnoe. Als solche erfreuen wir uns täglich über die neu gewonnene Lebensqualität unserer Patienten. Diese Bestätigung unserer guten Arbeit ist der Motor der uns tagtäglich antreibt die Lebensqualität von weiteren tausenden von Menschen zu verbessern.

For every member of the team, it is always great to see when a patient reports that after our treatment they do not have to take blood pressure lowering medication or can drastically reduce their diabetes medication or even do without it completely. Since our employees know all too well the far-reaching benefits of our treatment, it is understandable that several members of the team have already been treated by us.

We are particularly proud of the fact that so far 87% of our patients have been freed from obstructive sleep apnea and have been able to do without a breathing mask.



Dr. Frey Sleep Apnea

Dr. Robert Frey

Oral Surgeon | Bachelor of Science Human Medicine | Specialized in Surgical Therapy of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

ZA Daniel Graeff

Dentist | Surgery Assistance

ZA Vitaly Schneider

Dentist | Surgery Assistance


Nicola Muth

Specialist for internal medicine and sleep medicine
Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Patikas

Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Patikas

Sports Scientist | Movement Analyst

Mehdi Shafiee

Specialist for Orthopedics | Trauma Surgery


Norbert Pratz

Specialist for anesthesia and emergency medicine
Jens Beck sleep apnea

Jens Beck

Specialist in anesthesia | Specialized in difficult intubation

Dr. Gerald Stolz

Specialist in anesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine - Master of Health Business Administration

Ward physicians / emergency physicians

Dr. Titus Baciu

Dr. Titus S. Baciu, MHBA

Specialist in internal medicine | phlebologist | emergency physician
Dr. Ingo Blank

Dr. Ingo Blank

Surgical specialist | Emergency physician | Lecturer | Journalist
Dr. Tom Meuser

Priv. Doz. Dr. Tom Meuser

Specialist in anesthesiology | special pain therapy and emergency medicine

Abed Ryan

Facharzt für Innere Medizin